What Is eMoney?

eMoney is a personal financial website that helps us meet your financial goals. This page contains links to resources to help you

understand and utilize the eMoney website to its fullest. Consider this a learning library of sorts in regards to the eMoney tool. If you have

any specific eMoney questions that these resources do not address, please contact your financial advisor. If you have a login and would

like to log in, please find a link in the button below.

eMoney is a personal financial website that helps us meet your financial goals. This page contains links to resources to help you understand and utilize the eMoney website to its fullest. Consider this a learning library of sorts in regards to the eMoney tool. If you have any specific eMoney questions that these resources do not address, please contact your financial advisor. If you have a login and would like to log in, please find a link in the button below.

Personal Finance Website


Personal Finance Website Overview

Learn more about the features

available on your personal

financial website.

Learn more about the features available on your personal financial website.

Take Control of Your Financial World

Take Control of Your Financial World

Learn how you can use your

Personal Financial Website to take

control of your financial world.

Learn how you can use your Personal Financial Website to take control of your financial world.

Interactive Planning

With our interactive planning

technology, we won't tell you how

your decisions will affect your

financial future, we'll show you.

With our interactive planning technology, we won't tell you how your decisions will affect your

financial future, we'll show you.

The Distribution Center

Learn more about the Distribution

Center, where you can see a

personalized story of your estate

that you will leave behind.

Learn more about the Distribution Center, where you can see a personalized story of your estate

that you will leave behind.

The Decision Center

Learn more about how we work

side-by-side with you to

understand the financial imoact

your decisions have on your

financial plans.

Learn more about how we work side-by-side with you to understand the financial imoact your decisions have on your financial plans.

Vault Overview

Learn more about the Vault, an

easy way to secure, organize, and

access important documents all

available online at any time and

any place with internet access.

Learn more about the Vault, an easy way to secure, organize, and access important documents all available online at any time and

any place with internet access.

Vault Checklist

It's important to house all your documents in one single place. Your family will appreciate this too. In an emergency we can delegate to those you have approved.

Your personal financial mobile website provides you with anywhere access to view your investments and accounts - all from your

mobile phone.

Safe and Secure

Learn more about the security

protocols in place on your Personal

Financial Website that help ensure

your personal information is safe

and secure in eMoney.

Learn more about the security protocols in place on your Personal Financial Website that help ensure your personal information is safe

and secure in eMoney.

A Guide to Getting


A Guide to Getting Started

See how you can get started with

your Personal Financial Website

on your own in just a few easy


See how you can get started with your Personal Financial Website on your own in just a few easy


Get Started Checklist

Prepare for your first meeting with

this checklist to help you get the

most out of eMoney and the most

out of meeting with us.

Prepare for your first meeting with this checklist to help you get the most out of eMoney and the most out of meeting with us.

Setting Goals

Setting goals can be a tough task,

but it is an important step toward

securing your financial future. See

how eMoney can help.

Setting goals can be a tough task, but it is an important step toward securing your financial future. See how eMoney can help.

Your Goal Tab

Learn more about the interactive

goals tab in your Personal

Financial website to add financial

goals and track your progress

toward funding those goals.

Learn more about the interactive goals tab in your Personal Financial website to add financial

goals and track your progress toward funding those goals.

Setting Up Connections

This guide walks through the

process of setting up connections

on your personal financial website

so you can see an updated picture

of your accounts in real life.

This guide walks through the

process of setting up connections

on your personal financial website

so you can see an updated picture

of your accounts in real life.

Spending Overview

Learn more about how you can

monitor and manage daily cash

flow with the spending tab within

your personal financial website.

Learn more about how you can monitor and manage daily cash flow with the spending tab within your personal financial website.

The Organizer

Learn how you can connect your

financial decisions to the people

and things that matter most and

how eMoney can help.

Learn how you can connect your financial decisions to the people and things that matter most and how eMoney can help.

Stay Aware with Alerts

Learn how to set up and

personalize alerts on your personal

finance website to help you stay on

top of everything relating to your


Learn how to set up and personalize alerts on your personal finance website to help you stay on

top of everything relating to your finances.

H&H Retirement Design and Management, Inc. is a SEC Registered Investment Advisor. For more information on our firm, please visit SEC.GOV for a full Form ADV II and the form CRS. Any discussion, text, video or communication on this site should not be considered a recommendation, projection, or assumption of any returns, risks, or future projections of any type of investment, process or plan. Any recommendation can only be made by one of our licensed advisors after consideration of acceptance as a client. No initial communications, without formal engagement should be considered a recommendation or suggestion. H&H Tax and Business Advisors, LLC. is a separate, Non-SEC Registered Advisor but is a commonly owned company practicing in tax and business advisory services. Please visit HHTBA.Com for specific services related to H&H Tax and Business Advisors, LLC. Please visit our privacy policy and terms of service for this website. Please visit our Client Relationship Summary (ADV III) and our Firm Brochure (ADV II) This site is published for residents of the United States only. Investment Advisor Representatives of H&H Retirement Design and Management Inc may only conduct business with residents of the states and/or jurisdictions in which they are properly registered. Not all of the products and services referenced on this site may be available in every state and through every advisor listed.